ADA Code of Ethics

ADA Principles Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct
The 5 Promises ADA Dentists Make to Their Patients

ADA Ethics Hotline

To reach the Ethics Hotline, simply call the ADA Member Service Center at 800.621.8099 and ask to be connected to the Hotline. An ADA Member Service Advisor will connect you to a confidential voicemail system that can only be accessed by specific CEBJA staff. These staff members will forward your information to a CEBJA member, who will contact you within 2-3 business days to arrange a mutually agreeable time to discuss your dilemma with you. If you have a very time-sensitive dilemma, please say so in your message and CEBJA staff and members will do their best to accommodate your needs.

ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct

When choosing a dentist, character counts. Every dentist who joins the American Dental Association promises to keep five major promises to his or her patients. Find out what they are and how the ADA code of ethics puts your health first.